Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Winter Semester 2010

I don't have a lot of pictures from my second year of university but there are a lot of memories. The Olympics made winter semester even more fun because there was the big Canada and USA rivalry. Alisha started making signs for the US so I made signs for Canada and we put them up around our apartment. My roommates were Kenzie, Alisha, Rachel, Kayla, and Mary. For the most part we all got along really well and had a good time with each other. Saturday nights we would usually have movie night when we were all home after curfew. It was a really good semester. :)

Pranks became a part of life during the winter semester. We all had fun pulling them on one another. It really started when my roommate, Alisha, said she loved pulling pranks. She told me about a prank she wanted to pull on Kenzie, her room roommate. So I told Kenzie and we did it on Alisha instead! I hid under Alisha's bed and Kenzie was in her closet. When Alisha came into her room, I jumped out and grabbed her feet. She jumped so far that I almost felt bad! After that Kenzie jumped out of the closet and scared her. It was probably the best prank we did. Others pranks we did were hiding a fake spider under pillows, in the shower, turning the light off when someone was in the shower, and pouring cold water over someone while they were in the shower.

Kenzie and I wanted to prank my room roommate, Kayla and found this one online. We got a lot of paper cups and piled them and then taped them to the door. So when Kayla opened the door in the morning, she would walk into a wall of cups. It was a lot harder than Kenzie and I thought it would be but it was really funny. Surprisingly, it lasted through the night and was really funny the next morning.

We ran out of cups when we got closer to the top so we just put paper there to block it off. There were cups all over the apartment for a couple weeks after that.

Kenzie was one of my roommates from Winter Semester and we became really close. At first, we didn't really know what to think of one another but one Tyra Banks show later and we were best friends! :)

Kenzie and I out to lunch.

We spent most of the winter semester together, along with two other good friends. We have a lot of good memories together :)

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