Monday, September 13, 2010

New Years 2010!


For New Years, The Dickson's were having a New Years Party at their house so pretty much everyone went there. My closest friends - Taylor, Kayla, and Cameron - were going so that was all I needed. We had a really good time playing games, eating food, and spending time with each other. It was nice after being away from everyone for so long. Later that night, after the party was over, we went to Whataburger to get some food...something we usually did when we went out :)

Taylor met me at my house and we got ready there. It felt like old times :)

Kayla, Me, Taylor, Zoe, and Cameron on January 1, 2010!

Kayla and I :)

Cameron and I :)

Taylor and I while playing Catch of many games that night!

Best Friends
We had been away for a long time but it felt good to be able to spend the time I was able to with her at Christmas and New Years while I was home. She's always been there for me and I miss her more than she knows when I'm away from home.

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