Monday, September 13, 2010

Christmas 2009


So, I know it's going far back but it seems like a piece of cake compared to scrapbooking which I have no idea if I'll ever get back to doing. So I am going to start with Christmas 2009 and continue on from there.

Christmas last year was different because I basically had three Christmases!! I had a little Christmas with Grama Moyor in
Kelowna because I left middle of December. Grama even had a stocking for me which I always love!
This year, Grama started a scrapbook of me with pictures of me from when I was little. Which is kind of funny because I gave grama a copy of the scrapbook I made while I was there of my first semester of university. The next day, I got on a plane to Edmonton to have a Christmas with my mom and Kalsea.


Grama Schmirler got me this Canadian shirt for Christmas. I always love getting my Canadian shirts to take with me to the States. This shirt has a picture of an igloo with a Canadian Flag and says "The Canadian White House."

Going back home wouldn't be the same without my Coco! :)

And of course it just wouldn't be Christmas if there wasn't Pumpkin pie!! This is my dad
and I on the couch.

Kalsea loves to take baths so I got her Lush bath salts in lots of fun scents. I had a lot of fun picking them out :)

It was fun to visit my mom and Kalsea at their house and see my dad. They showed me where they worked, went out for dinner, went shopping, and got our nails done! :) After a few days there though I got on another plane and went to Texas for my third Christmas!


I was so happy to be back in Texas and spend real time with Coen and Ella at home. We spent a lot of time reading and just playing inside and out on the trampoline.

Coen, Tauni, and I eating tacos!! Something we usually do is walk downtown around Zilker Park and get something to eat.

Cedar Park just built a new arena for The Cedar Park Stars Hockey Team. We went to a game and had a ton of fun. It was nice to have some hockey in Texas!!


Coen wanted Buzz and Woody for Christmas and was very excited on Christmas morning when he saw them sitting there!

Ella liked her little ball she could spin and hear the ABC's play.

Tauni and I made beignets for breakfast that morning to remind us of our trip to New Orleans.

After breakfast, we opened more gifts. I gave Tauni and Jayd a copy of my scrapbook as well. I also gave my mom and grama Schmirler a copy. It was my big gift this year that I knew they would all appreciate.

Tauni made her very first quilt and gave it to me! It was my favorite colour and very beautiful.

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