Thursday, September 16, 2010

Easter in Texas!

After the winter semester was finished, I went back home to Austin for my break. This was when I was able to spend more time with Ella and really get to know her. She is an insanely cute girl with a personality that makes you melt. It was so nice to be back home with the whole family and spend Easter with them :)

Ella was really excited when she saw her bunny...

...and even more excited when she got a purse!

And while Ella was enjoying her new gifts, Coen, Jayd, and I were on the hunt for the candy. Coen was seriously lovin' it!!

While I was home, Tauni and Jayd cleaned the garage, and I organized the pantry and Tauni's closet. It took a lot more work than it looks!

Ella and I

Ella carried that bucket around like it was purse, along with my teddy which is basically the same size as her!

We played some Connect Four while I was babysitting :)

I loved being back home and spending time with the family. The good thing about this trip was that I knew I'd be seeing them in July so it wasn't too hard to leave them.

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