Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Beginning of Forever...

Cameron right after he proposed <3

Cameron and I with my soon-to-be nephews, Justin and Christian!

Just before we left for the hockey game. Calgary vs. Dallas. Awesome game. Calgary won 7-4!

At Cameron's home ward Christmas party when we first started dating.

Cameron and I with his brother Cory and Kalsea coming home from Preference. They brought us beautiful pink roses. :)

Our first picture together as a couple officially! Cameron's sister Lonnie and Arlette were giving us lots of poses to take pictures of us. This was the my favorite <3

Friday, January 28, 2011


Lishelle took a photography class during the spring semester and asked a couple of us to be her models. Most of the candid shots were the best pictures we took and we had a pretty good time.

Imogen Heap Concert in Salt Lake City, UT

In June, I went to the Imogen Heap Concert in Salt Lake City. I have loved Imogen Heap since I was in high school so I was stoked to be able to go. She performed an amazing concert. I was really impressed with her and loved her music better live than recorded.